September 04, 2005

I must apologize for the lack of updates as of late, but I'm trying to sort out some major issues with my other blog, Pop Culture Junkies. Where to begin.
Due to the traffic that the site was receiving, I needed to switch hosting companies. So I chose a new host that I thought would be both affordable and be able to handle the traffic. I was wrong. I chose Elite hosting, and after the site was up for less than 24 hours it was suspended for using too much of the server allotment. Mind you the highest amount of traffic that the site had received was 180 page views, and 100 visitors in an hour. After trying to contact them for a few days, and them being extremely unresponsive and not helpful at all, I decided to once again switch hosting companies.
I thought the only way to avoid having this issues was to go the dedicated server route. This way I'll have my own server and can use all the bandwidth and resources that I have. The installation went great, and everything was installed in a timely manner. I chose Surpass Hosting. I truly, truly recommend them. However, I had one problem. I was unable to connect to the server from my computer. They looked into everything on their end, and finally determined that my ISP provider was blocking the IP address.
I've complained about RCN before, and I will again. For some reason, they haven't be able to unblock my access from this IP address (and can't figure out how to do so). So here I am, going on two weeks that the site has been offline, and I can't access my new server. While Surpass is trying to help on their end, it looks like I'm going to have to go back to a shared hosting plan.
So I'm hoping by end of next week, Pop Culture Junkies will live again.
12:34 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
March 20, 2005

I just wanted to thank everyone for their comments and emails. They have meant more than you know. Everything is still pretty fresh, but your kind words have been very comforting.
01:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
March 12, 2005

Everything but the Treo I took the photo with.
05:22 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
March 06, 2005

I stumbled upon old photos that had been taken from my 37th birthday celebration. See them all at Oscillate Digitally.
01:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
February 22, 2005

The last two weeks have been hellish in regards to my cable and internet services. For some inexplicable reason, which SBC couldn't tell me why, my internet service was shut off. There was not name on record as to whom ordered it terminated. I thought, I still have the equipment, I'll just have them reinstall it. Apparently, there is a lag time between the moment your service is cut off, and the time that it takes for their ordering system to be updated. My internet service was cut off on Tuesday the 8th, and SBC's records would not be updated until Saturday, the 12th. Fine.
I call up on Saturday the 12th to have them reactivate my DSL service. They inform me that even though I have all the equipment, and software installed they have to send a new kit to me. And here's the kicker. The would not be able to reactive the service until. February 21st! So due to their mistake, I would be without DSL service for two weeks. I said no thanks and cancelled my account.
I decided to go with RCN for all three services, phone, cable, and internet. Despite an initial installation time change on their part, everything went fine. However, there's something seriously wrong with how their interactive menus work if you have a Tivo hooked up.
When watching TV through the Tivo, when you change channels, the screen changes to an interactive menu with the picture shrunk to a box that is about half the size of your screen. To get rid of the window, you have to hit "EXIT" on the RCN remote. See photo below.
So this means that if the Tivo needs to change a channel to record a show, your show will be recorded in that little window. In other words you have to watch the recorded show, as shown above. The only way around this, is to turn on the TV when the Tivo is recording, and hit EXIT so the show will record full screen. If anyone knows of a solution for this, please .
08:37 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
January 15, 2005

My boyfriend's mother died last night. It happened suddenly. His cell phone rang about 11:15 p.m. You know how you get that feeling by just looking at someone, and that something is wrong. My boyfriend is Mexican, and he was speaking in Spanish, and I only understand a little so I wasn't exactly sure what was going on.
I will always remember the sound of three loud bangs (he must have hit a door with his fist). I heard that sound, he walked into the study, and told me his mother died a half hour ago. She possibly had a heart attack, but he couldn't confirm this. It's amazing how quickly sadness just washes over you.
We immediately started checking online for flights, so he could head back to Mexico tomorrow. He was concerned about his job, and how much time off he would be able to get (the company he works for is not known to be extremely flexible). He spoke with many members of his family trying to get details and figure things out.
This morning, the sadness finally hit him. I was feeling quite helpless, not knowing what to do or say. I'm hoping that I was comforting enough. He was feeling very regretful over many things: the fact that he never got to say goodbye to her, that she never had the opportunity to come to the United States and see his life here, and that she hadn't received some things that he had mailed her.
He said that everything just feels undone. This morning was the first time that I ever say my boyfriend cry. That was incredibly heartbreaking.
09:08 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
December 22, 2004

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe holidays season!
It's been a busy week, so I haven't been posting like I should. With my current position ending next week, I've been busy tying up loose ends at work. The shredding party will happen next week. I'm finishing up the last of my Christmas shopping, and need to finish the packing. Plus, we had the office Holiday party last night (we went to Bolero for Cuban food).
I'm heading to Madison Friday morning, to celebrate Christmas with the family for a couple of days. I'm staying with my sister's family so I'll be entertaining my niece and nephew. Probably not the most restful weekend, but it will be great to be back home.
Posting will resume next week.
[image via Chrismukkah]
07:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
September 22, 2004

I apologize for the extended posting absence. Work, life, and travel have kept me busy over the last three weeks. I've posted photos from my trip to Mexico City on Flickr.
If you're wondering about the expression on my face in a number of the photos (kind of a scowl/grimace), it is either due to the extreme brightness, or my feeling a bit under the weather (there were a few food issues). I had a fantastic time! The architecture is beautiful, the drivers are crazy, the city is just plain huge, and my boyfriends Mom and grandkids were adorable.
Here are some more photos from Mexico City.
10:19 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
July 07, 2004

I've had this head cold for the last six days now, and it's annoying the hell out of me. I don't get sick that often, so when I do, I get very cranky. My boyfriend had a friend of his in town over the weekend, whom he visited recently in Washington D.C., and I wasn't a hell of a lot of fun, needless to say. I'm not one to take naps, and I've taken more naps in the last six days than I probably have in the last year. Chicago has had strange weather as of late; hot, cool, humid, rainy, sunny. So I think the combination of the flux in weather, as well as sleeping with the air conditioning on has made it harder for me to shake this cold.
A quick job situation update. I'm still waiting to hear back from the company I've been interviewing with (it's now going on ten weeks since my first interview). I called the human resource person last Wednesday, and was told that I'm part of the final group, however, a few people hadn't had second interviews yet. They should have a decision in the next few days (I've head that twice before now). This leads me to think that, since the change in managers of the branch I was interviewed for, they actually started interview more people. If all these people had been in the running for the last ten weeks, no one would still be waiting for a second interview.
At this point, I'm just getting more and more frustrated with this process. Give me the fucking job, or don't, and let me know now. Ironically, I learned today at work that my area manager is happy with my performance. Now if they would only go back to the old commission system, I'd be a happy camper where I am.
07:34 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
June 07, 2004

I made a bet with my boyfriend that I not use my computer for one day. That was yesterday, and this is my first time on the computer since. I went through a little email and Net News Wire withdrawl. I snacked more than usual.
What else was done on my day off the computer.
We watched Big Fish. Amazing, amazing movie. Very touching actually.
We went to Home Depot, and bought some flowers for the balcony.
We had dinner at this great Korean restaurant.
We took a nap.
We had a very gay night of television. We watched the Tony Awards, and Inside the Actors Studio with Bette Midler.
It was actually a very nice and relaxing day.
10:46 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
June 04, 2004

I thought that Bernard Pivot's Questionnaire would be a perfect way for me to introduce myself. Although if you have been reading Pop Culture Junkies, you know about some of my obsessions already. I have had a personal blog in the past (Come Undone), but I never seemed real comfortable with that blog. It turned into a pretty guy posting page, and while I do love myself a beautiful man, that's not what this is really for. So I've refocused, and rededicated myself to a personal blog.
Here it goes.
01. What is your favorite word? Love.
02. What is your least favorite word? BPM (Bonus Performance Measurements)
03. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Great writing.
04. What turns you off? Rudeness.
05. What is your favorite curse word? God Damn-it!
06. What sound or noise do you love? Laughter.
07. What sound or noise do you hate? A car horn.
08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Web designer.
09. What profession would you not like to do? Politician.
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Don't worry, Jerry Falwell is in the other place.