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July 07, 2004
I've had this head cold for the last six days now, and it's annoying the hell out of me. I don't get sick that often, so when I do, I get very cranky. My boyfriend had a friend of his in town over the weekend, whom he visited recently in Washington D.C., and I wasn't a hell of a lot of fun, needless to say. I'm not one to take naps, and I've taken more naps in the last six days than I probably have in the last year. Chicago has had strange weather as of late; hot, cool, humid, rainy, sunny. So I think the combination of the flux in weather, as well as sleeping with the air conditioning on has made it harder for me to shake this cold.
A quick job situation update. I'm still waiting to hear back from the company I've been interviewing with (it's now going on ten weeks since my first interview). I called the human resource person last Wednesday, and was told that I'm part of the final group, however, a few people hadn't had second interviews yet. They should have a decision in the next few days (I've head that twice before now). This leads me to think that, since the change in managers of the branch I was interviewed for, they actually started interview more people. If all these people had been in the running for the last ten weeks, no one would still be waiting for a second interview.
At this point, I'm just getting more and more frustrated with this process. Give me the fucking job, or don't, and let me know now. Ironically, I learned today at work that my area manager is happy with my performance. Now if they would only go back to the old commission system, I'd be a happy camper where I am.
07:34 PM | Comments (2) | Posted in: Job , Self
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I feel your pain... I just got over being sick last week. I'm the same way - I rarely get sick, and so when I do, I don't handle it well at all. Get well soon!
Posted by: Ryan at July 7, 2004 08:06 PM
Hope you get better soon :)
Posted by: Queenie at July 8, 2004 08:15 PM