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September 04, 2005

I must apologize for the lack of updates as of late, but I'm trying to sort out some major issues with my other blog, Pop Culture Junkies. Where to begin.
Due to the traffic that the site was receiving, I needed to switch hosting companies. So I chose a new host that I thought would be both affordable and be able to handle the traffic. I was wrong. I chose Elite hosting, and after the site was up for less than 24 hours it was suspended for using too much of the server allotment. Mind you the highest amount of traffic that the site had received was 180 page views, and 100 visitors in an hour. After trying to contact them for a few days, and them being extremely unresponsive and not helpful at all, I decided to once again switch hosting companies.
I thought the only way to avoid having this issues was to go the dedicated server route. This way I'll have my own server and can use all the bandwidth and resources that I have. The installation went great, and everything was installed in a timely manner. I chose Surpass Hosting. I truly, truly recommend them. However, I had one problem. I was unable to connect to the server from my computer. They looked into everything on their end, and finally determined that my ISP provider was blocking the IP address.
I've complained about RCN before, and I will again. For some reason, they haven't be able to unblock my access from this IP address (and can't figure out how to do so). So here I am, going on two weeks that the site has been offline, and I can't access my new server. While Surpass is trying to help on their end, it looks like I'm going to have to go back to a shared hosting plan.
So I'm hoping by end of next week, Pop Culture Junkies will live again.
12:34 PM | Comments (1) | Posted in: Self , Weblogs
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That sounds like a pain. Good luck working it out. I've missed my daily does of Junkies.
Posted by: tom at September 5, 2005 03:09 PM