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February 22, 2005

SBC And RCN: A Bitch Session

The last two weeks have been hellish in regards to my cable and internet services. For some inexplicable reason, which SBC couldn't tell me why, my internet service was shut off. There was not name on record as to whom ordered it terminated. I thought, I still have the equipment, I'll just have them reinstall it. Apparently, there is a lag time between the moment your service is cut off, and the time that it takes for their ordering system to be updated. My internet service was cut off on Tuesday the 8th, and SBC's records would not be updated until Saturday, the 12th. Fine.

I call up on Saturday the 12th to have them reactivate my DSL service. They inform me that even though I have all the equipment, and software installed they have to send a new kit to me. And here's the kicker. The would not be able to reactive the service until. February 21st! So due to their mistake, I would be without DSL service for two weeks. I said no thanks and cancelled my account.

I decided to go with RCN for all three services, phone, cable, and internet. Despite an initial installation time change on their part, everything went fine. However, there's something seriously wrong with how their interactive menus work if you have a Tivo hooked up.

When watching TV through the Tivo, when you change channels, the screen changes to an interactive menu with the picture shrunk to a box that is about half the size of your screen. To get rid of the window, you have to hit "EXIT" on the RCN remote. See photo below.


So this means that if the Tivo needs to change a channel to record a show, your show will be recorded in that little window. In other words you have to watch the recorded show, as shown above. The only way around this, is to turn on the TV when the Tivo is recording, and hit EXIT so the show will record full screen. If anyone knows of a solution for this, please .

08:37 PM | Comments (0) | Posted in: Self

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