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July 20, 2004

Thank you Portugal, for the yummy Cristiano Ronaldo.
07:41 PM | Comments (316) | Tags: Crush
I am from Ethiopian ladies and I am big fan of you.
Ilove your ways of plaing very much in manutd and in Euro 2004.
If you have some spare(free)time please,please
send to me your email address for now bye,bye
I hop we will met some other time in email. thank you.
your fan from Ethiopia
Posted by: meron debebe on July 23, 2004 09:44 AM
i am ur bigst fan and i am portugese i would really really want to meet u plz or we can talk by e mail
Posted by: Kate on July 24, 2004 12:05 AM
hey ronaldo i hope that u are doing ok all i wanted to say is that im ur BIGGEST fan of all i have alot in common with uthen any one would like we were both born in the same month ad that we both like the same colour and that i am from portugal the acores also so i hope we can talk through e-mail so e-mail me back plz love u lots ur biggest fan Kayla Santos
Posted by: kayla Santos on July 24, 2004 12:35 AM
hi cristiano i am yr biggest eva eva fan in the world all i eva go on about is u u can evan ask my m8s or n e 1 that i know i have loved u even b 4 euro2004 and i think u r lovely!!
u r such a great player and i really really admire u 4 that and i know adn understand that u dnt really have much time to answer n e of these notes but n e way if u do have time and appreciate that u dnt have alot of time can u plz plz plz plz plz plz plzplz plz jst reply u dnt have 2 send n e thing that u dnt wnt lyk personal info but i wnt u 2 reply so that i know that u have read it n e way love u lots and lots hope u read this bi bi sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: sarah abdualti on July 24, 2004 04:10 PM
hye ronaldo!1 im ur biigest fan..i have like 100 pictures of u!i look at them 24/7...ur too hot to be tru..ma dream is to meet u n be a great player like u!(i play soccer)...i think bout u all tha time! and ur really hot! probably tha hottesr guy Alive...anyways im gunna let u go...cuz im wachin ur game..machester n bayeirn munich...buh bye -xoxoxoxooxox-love yaz
Posted by: liza on July 25, 2004 03:56 PM
hey hey hey cristiano ronaldo..you are just so sweet i love you fore all in the world i am not so gudd in english but i now i ove you fore all my harte... i will always love you !!!koz cecilie
Posted by: cecilie on July 26, 2004 04:39 AM
Hiya ronaldo fans and him himself!.I think dat u r really cute and have a nice bod!.Thanks 4 bein a man u player coz i am comein 2 c u play soon!My dad is a really big fan of manchester united and so am i.I think u r a wiked player!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Lots of luv sophxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: soph04 on July 27, 2004 11:20 AM
Hi Cristiano Ronaldo (my sweety)...I am a moroccan girl that lives in Holland.
Do you know that i like you so much and i like your beautiful eays and your SEXY body...and your LIPS...soo lovely ( i wonna kiss your lips)
hahaha...I understund that you havn't much time to answer all those post...but please please answer my post beacause i LOVE YOU so much then all the girls do ... I MEAN IT ..BYE BYE BABY...don't forget (I LOVE YOU..kiss on your hot lips) MOEEEWAH..
Posted by: Mrs. S. Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro on July 27, 2004 01:20 PM
Vau, Mr.Ronaldo, you have very nice messages! But alls are same, so I dont wont that mine is like others. I dont wonted to write you something like I love you, because I know that it is boring to you always read it same, so i will be say to you that I dont love you, because I dont know you like a person, and that is important. But you look like very nice boy, who loves what he doing!
I know that you will not be write me, so this is the end! Milena
Posted by: Milena on July 28, 2004 03:27 PM
wooooow... really yummy. cristiano, looks like you've occupied my dreams)) but the thing I admire most is your style of playing football. you're very, very talented. I hope you'll become a great footballer in future and will bring joy and happiness to millions of your fans. I wish you luck and all the best. kiss u
Posted by: yourDREAM on July 29, 2004 02:46 AM
Cristiano, i think u r the hottest most talented soccer player in the WORLD........i love u soooo much.......on of these dayz i have to meeet i loveeeeee portugal i went there last year and i lovvve manchester utd. evry1 in my school in spain loveeeeeess u!! ur soo cute and i want to meeeet u sooo much bekuz u seem like the nicest guy ever!!! by the way ur body WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW is on fire i loveeeeee uuu bye bye muah hugs and kisses xoxoxoxo
Posted by: Dana on July 31, 2004 09:17 AM
cristiano your a great soccer player. I have been to Portugal to see the final game it was great my eyes were on you all the time. I made over alot of pictures and all of my friends took them. I am from Canada and all i wanted to say your hot (of course) and your talented. One day my dream is i hope i will meet you or you could e-mail me (like that would ever happen)not. but i never know. I wanna wish you a good luck in the future and be the best.
AME NATALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: natalia on July 31, 2004 12:00 PM
Hey Cristiano Ronaldo!ur SO Hot n very talented i doubt ur gonna read this but if you do i just wanna let you know that ur amazing!i hope i see u when you cum 2 south africa for the 2010 worldcup!pls email me if u can!thanx!:)
Posted by: Saba on August 1, 2004 06:53 AM
hey peeps...dont get ure hopes up 2 high...i bet u all dat cristiano dont evn look at dis site!!! y'all wasting ure time love y'all!
Posted by: rachel on August 4, 2004 09:05 AM
ola cristiano...meu nome e tiana alves pereira.i'm portuguese but from south africa. i saw you in paul do mar on the boat in the holidays in madeira. i also saw you at ponta gorda on a jetski!!just want to say i really admire your soccer skills..you've got the looks, skills!i really wanna meet u some time!i've got a whole file on you.!at the festa santo mario i bought a bangle with your name on it.PLEASE REPLY BONOITE TIANA
Posted by: tiana alves pereira on August 4, 2004 12:54 PM
oh, ehm... i'm italian and i want to say you that you are very wonderful. goodbye
little ele
Posted by: ele on August 5, 2004 08:22 AM
Hello Cris..
I'm going to Manchester in September/october, at Old Trafford i think it was.. to see Manchester United play.. (i don't know against who, i'm going to see u). I wonder, is there any way i can do to meet u maybe 2-3 minutes or just 30 seconds u know like talk to u and so on..? i've saved my money and i have u know like for a game, hotel and that kind of stuff but u know one thing: i would eat a bug if i could meet u.
kiss on u, baby... plz email me if u know anything or just want to u know taalk (but i dont think u have time)
Posted by: Evelin on August 5, 2004 10:15 AM
hey cristiano ronaldo... i doubt that you will look at this site out of all the sites there is about you. But in the mean time i just want to say that i admire you vbery very much. your great. you have lot of talent, skills, and looks. i really like the way you do the (fintas) on the soccer players their awesome. Well.. my name is Stefanny S. Ribeiro, I live in Philadelphia, E.U.A. and i went to see your game at the lincoln financial field except you were not there i was sad that u werent their but it was a good game like i said it would of been better with you there. I am portuguese and i live in Porto but i have a house in Funchal and Albufeira. Well.. i dont have a house my grandparents do but when i go down there i live with them for the whole summer. I really want to meet you. I pray everyday and night for me to get a chance to knoe you.. (girls you never knoe.. because anything can happen.) I am a model here in Philadelphia.. my favorite sport is soccer and football. My fav. color is white and blue. we got the same day of birthdays which is cool. Im not going to say we have much in common like other girls say because i never met you but I really want to meet you like i said.. well if you do read this paragraph please write me an email back.. OoO and when your on vacation in 2005 i hope to see you in porto or so ething like that. I would do what it takes to meet you one day. well have fun in MAN. UTD. (great team), take care, be safe, lots pof higs n kisses, adoro-te muito!!!! beijinhos da tua grande fa que te ama muito..<3 Stefanny Ribeiro <3
meu filho es da madeira e basta!!!
Posted by: Stefanny S. Ribeiro on August 5, 2004 11:47 AM
hey cristiano, just sayin hey, you r hot and amazing at football. wish to meet you one day , and come and see one of you r matches hopefully a portugal one(i know you probubly wont read this but n e ways.) love you always sanah
Posted by: sanah on August 5, 2004 03:05 PM
Hey cristiano ronaldo, im portuguese and i love u sooo much ive got pictures of u everywhere and i realllli realllli want to meet you, im ur biggest fan eva and i want to give you a nice big hug about eurocup but dontworri many othas to come, im from the algarve and i just want to say eu quero da uma bejinho na tua cara :)
Posted by: stephanie santos on August 6, 2004 05:54 AM
Hey Cristiano!I am a major fan of yours, I have like loads of pictures of you and I love the way you play with all your fintas,I think your really talented.Im Portuguese too.And I think your a really hot guy!! I was soo upset when, ya know the final of the Euro 2004 and I just felt like giving you a big hug! :)
It would be a dream of mine to meet you, even if you wont really read this,cuz you must have like a bunch of fan mail, but whatever.
Luv ya, Anica.
Posted by: anica cortez on August 6, 2004 06:39 AM
Well, I'm very happy that today there is such a wonderful player, like you! I do not like the word FAN and I'm not a fan, but I'm dreaming about the day, when i will meet you, i'm more than sure that you are a brilliant person besides... sophie.
Posted by: sophie on August 8, 2004 11:49 AM
hey ronaldo my name is vanessa , and im from the t-dot (toronto,canada) and i hurd that ur going to canada's wonderland , on august 29 to celebrate portugal day , there .the rollercoasters we have are da best , if you never went on a rollercoaster like we have in wonderland ur in for a great suprise , you shud go on top gun , the bat , shockwave , tomb raider , sky rider , and espcially drop zone . Have fun at wonderland if you go . your biggest fan vanessa.
Posted by: vanessa on August 8, 2004 01:05 PM
Hello Cristiano
I think that you are an amazing football player and I always enjoy watching you play. You are an exciting player because one do not really know what you are going to do on the pitch. I am a 19 girl from copenhagen denmark and we do not really have that many great teams so watching manchester united and you playing is a great enjoyment. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Susanne Hansen on August 9, 2004 09:20 AM
Oi Cristiano Ronaldo es o melhor jogador do mundo!!!! so a tua primeira fa!! Adoro-te
Posted by: Yolanda on August 9, 2004 02:58 PM
hi cristiano ronaldo!! i love you,yor�re wonderful player and i love you for ever
Posted by: yamaly on August 9, 2004 06:00 PM
Hi Cris!Good luck tp the olympics.As any one else...i think your are just beautifull and so sexy!I heard and read also that you have a 28 portuguese girlfriend is that true?Are u going to get married?Please answer mw and send me a email.
I love u!!!
Posted by: Anna on August 9, 2004 06:19 PM
HI!! Cristiano Ronaldo!!! u r the best playr in the world!!!! I LOVE CRISTIANO RONALDO!!!
Posted by: Yolanda on August 10, 2004 05:47 AM
Ola Cristiano,
eu sou a Juliana Magalhaes Paulos esteu a viver en almanha desde 18 anos! Eu tenho 19 anos tenho 1,60m peso 45 kg tenho cabelho escuro comprido muito bonito! Este ano vou visitar a minha familia in lisboa! Desculpa-me mas eu nao sei escrever muito bem o portugues! Mas eu nao te quero escrever en engles.
Eu gostava muito de te conhecer. Acho que es um rapaz muito bonito!! Nos podiamos ser um par muito bonito mais bonito do que os BECKHAMs. Ecredita me! Se quiseres eu mando-te fotos minhas! So pessisas de mandar uma e-mail! [email protected] eu [email protected]! Se calhar tu queres me visitar en almanha ou en Portugal!! Eu dou te o meu numero de telemovel! Por favor esreve me! Beijinhos so para ti!
;-) JUlIANA <3 Good luck for you Olympics!! Beijos fofos
Posted by: Juliana Magalhaes Paulos on August 10, 2004 08:06 AM
Cristiano We Are ALL BIG FAn OF YOU HahAHaha..Youre Sow Sweet..:D
Posted by: Cristiano-l0ver on August 10, 2004 05:37 PM
Cristiano to SEXY anioł!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Nina on August 11, 2004 11:38 AM
if you have any freetime could you give your email address for me. please!
Posted by: C on August 11, 2004 12:07 PM
hey, i think you r the best football player in the world i was never really into football until i saw a picture of you in the paper then i started to watch euro 04 and cud not take my eyes off of u.I now support man u and i know it sounds really bad coz i was never that bothered about football until i saw u. Good luck in the olympics, you tried so hard in euro 04 so you deserve to win. Iknow there is like no chance of you readin this but i thought that i might as well give it a go.
Posted by: jess on August 11, 2004 02:48 PM
I just want to say you have the most amazing body ever! I know you probz don't even read this site but oh well! I think you are amazing in every way, ur looks, face and skills! You're a great player and you will be the best player ever if you carry on the way you have been doing! hugs and kisses, Dani x x x
Posted by: Dani on August 12, 2004 04:03 AM
hey cristiano...well i'm a portuguese girl but i'm not so good at writing in portuguese....*hehe* but i can speak very well portuguese!! well, i'm 16 years old if like you can write meback at my e-mail [email protected] i live in germany, munich...why you don't wisit munich??? when i saw you the irst time, that was on or two years ago, i was watching a game of portugal team U21..i thoght "this boy is very cute..." then i saw you more and more and i began to love you...i hate it to fall in love with stars...but i can't controll it...i often think...oh there are so many girls that love cristiano ronaldo and i don't have any chance...bla bla bla....i hate it!!!! eu gosto muito de ti!!! maybe i will meet you in germany in 2006...you know...my father has a friend, he works for the german football and all that stuff. i asked him if i could see you in 2 years if portugal will be in germany....and he sad yes why not???!!! i love you very mutch..you don't know how mutch i love you....I would die for you...eu estou a falar serio! wehn you will see me, you will like me, i promiss!! bey and good luck at the olympics!!!!! EU AMO- TE!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Sabah Sijari on August 13, 2004 07:27 AM
Yea I must say ronaldo is really cute. But everyone is sounding so desperate here. Come on girls, get a life!~
Posted by: Queenie on August 15, 2004 11:08 AM
Yea I must say ronaldo is really cute. But everyone is sounding so desperate here. Come on girls, get a life!~
Posted by: Queenie on August 15, 2004 11:13 AM
hey to cristiano and all the fans out there. Im Natalie and i live over in Scotland. Im not going to go on about how im the biggest fan because there are so many of them. Cristiano i think you are so talented keep it up you will go far. I really admire you. I think you are fit and u hav a well fit body. Im not going to go on about how we could meet coz its impossible and how u should email back coz any good fan would know you are strong with your english i know wot it feels like im just back from Portugal and i couldnt speak a word.
Love u with all my heart Natalie xxxx
Posted by: Natalie johnstone on August 15, 2004 02:35 PM
hey to cristiano and all the fans out there. Im Natalie and i live over in Scotland. Im not going to go on about how im the biggest fan because there are so many of them. Cristiano i think you are so talented keep it up you will go far. I really admire you. I think you are fit and u hav a well fit body. Im not going to go on about how we could meet coz its impossible and how u should email back coz any good fan would know you are not that strong with your english i know wot it feels like im just back from Portugal and i couldnt speak a word.
Love u with all my heart Natalie xxxx if its true and u do read these emails y dont u email back. Just to say hello
Posted by: Natalie johnstone on August 15, 2004 02:40 PM
ola cristiano eu sou o filho do juvenal aguiar aquele que o teu pai conhece moro em santo antonio na chamorra e so quero dizer-te que te vou apoiar em todos os jogos
Posted by: alexandre on August 15, 2004 04:19 PM
Posted by: maria on August 16, 2004 05:13 AM
i wanted to email you but i guess there are millions of girls just like me. i live in South Africa and i can't wait till 2010! i just want you to know that you'll always have AT LEAST one huge fan down in South Africa,
Keep it up, you keep the soccer world alive.
All my love
from a fan in South Africa
Posted by: ta on August 16, 2004 01:07 PM
hey cristiano i jus wanna say i wub u and ur soooo cute....but thats not important whats important is how u play and u play very very very very well..keep up the good work..i hope u read this!! buh bye
Posted by: stephanie on August 16, 2004 06:00 PM
Hello Cristiano! Well of cause I can start from that u are the best, u are the sexiest etc... But I think I don't, because a lot of girl tell this to u every day! Of cause I also think so! but I won't remind u this very often as u can become presumptuous :) Well... As for me I'm from Belarus (it's a small country near Russia), I'm 16 years old, during my shot life I went in for acrobatics, modern dance, karate, equestrian sport and so on! Also I like football very much! If you want to know more about me you can e-mail me to [email protected] (or [email protected]). I HOPE THAT YOU'LL ANSWER ME! With love from Anne
Posted by: Anne on August 17, 2004 05:01 PM
And one thing I want to add: you realy play wery good!! keep on training and you'll be unique!!!
And remember one thing: nowadays you're very young and if you do everything in your power to footbell you'll make a great career! and always remember that WE BELIVE IN YOU!!! and don't forget one small girl from one small country that admire you and your talent very much!!! :)
Posted by: Anne on August 17, 2004 05:11 PM
Hello Cristiano! Well of cause I can start from that u are the best, u are the sexiest etc... But I think I don't, because a lot of girl tell this to u every day! Of cause I also think so! but I won't remind u this very often as u can become presumptuous :) Well... As for me I'm from Belarus (it's a small country near Russia), I'm 16 years old, during my shot life I went in for acrobatics, modern dance, karate, equestrian sport and so on! Also I like football very much! If you want to know more about me you can e-mail me to [email protected] (or [email protected]). I HOPE THAT YOU'LL ANSWER ME! With love from Anne
P.S. And one thing I want to add: you realy play very good!! keep on training and you'll be unique!!!
And remember one thing: nowadays you're very young and if you do everything in your power to footbell you'll make a great career! and always remember that WE BELIVE IN YOU!!! and don't forget one small girl from one small country that admire you and your talent very much!!! :)
Posted by: Anne on August 17, 2004 05:12 PM
hiya.. im loving the gold footie ... just wishing u best of luk..ur playing for the best league in the world mate. and man u is a pretty decent team.. hope 2 c u at old trafford for many more years and cnt wait to kick some man u ass (no offence)at highbury.. ne ways best of luk..
p.s i think ull like it much more down at highbury wiv us! the offers there mate.
Posted by: arsenal til i die on August 18, 2004 07:20 AM
Hi Ronaldo, i am a chick of 17 and am amzed of how you play football. no wonder they call you the man with the magic feet. Oh i am Dutch but i live in Nairobi, Kenya(that is in Africa)I was so touched when you cried in the match against Greece. My room is full of pictures and posters of you. I think that you are very hot and are a nice guy. i would love to meet you someday. You are the one that pushes me through life. PLEASE e-mail me back, it does not have to be long but you will make my day and make me so happyy if you just reply.
XXXXXXXXses from me.
Posted by: Alexandra Mansoer on August 18, 2004 08:13 AM
es un buen jugador
Posted by: Cony on August 18, 2004 04:11 PM
Hello hubby... I like to say that many people have looked upon you in a favourable manner only because of your chizzled looks. I'm proud to say that position has been bestowed on me... I don't care for your looks i care for ur game but i may say that im disappointed of you lack in sportsmanship. Do you actually write back to people or am i wasting my time but anyway... im sick of girls thinking theyre the biggest fans and ubsessing over a man who kicks a ball... they dont even know u they only like u cause of ur money... dont u see, or is only i? ur probably like shut up, but i say to u, shut up, u asshole!!! u r gay...buh bye
Posted by: s and d on August 18, 2004 06:42 PM
muhahahaha those ppl are funny. s and d are correct. i like football. thank u.
Posted by: joey on August 18, 2004 06:45 PM
I am sick of reading these emails like 'I love Ronaldo' etc. No one really knows what you are into and what you like and the type of person you are. I am just going to say I really think you are a very nice looking man and you are very fit aswell. As I am half portuguese, I am going to Portugal in the future and I hope I see you there. When you see me you will like me I can promise! Well see you and you are really nice and a excellant player. Love Amy xXx PS You should visit Middlesbrough 'cause that is where I will be!
Posted by: Amy on August 18, 2004 10:28 PM
I never actually watched you (or anyone else)play soccer before the Euro 2004. i.e. I was never a soccer fan, although my younger brother (he's 16) and my boyfriend (he's 23)are both Manchester United fans. Since watching the Euro 2004, however, I have become a fan of Man Utd. I think you and Ruud are the best ever! Keep up the good work, I look forward to watching you guys play together again soon!
I do have one question for you.....
How do you handle all these women throwing themselves at you????
Posted by: Rushanah on August 19, 2004 06:13 AM
Hey Ronaldo
Ola Cristiano.. i am 17 years old and i live in Canada.....I am a REALLY REALLY big fan of yours.. and i am Portuguese.. i am from MADEIRA...oh ya.i am going to be there this december..hehe can't wait..lol....i will idmit.. you are pretty hot and you are a fitted man... i am a big soccer fan too.. even thought i don't play soccer..lol..ever since the euro cup i have loved soccer even more then i did before..although i have never heard of manchester united until my father told me...In Manchester united you and David Bechem are my favourite players...and from the Portugal Team ,you and Figo of course are my favouite.. you guys got really good skills...i also want to say that i hope you keep it up.. and never give up.. no matter what anyone says...cause you are good... well i wish you all the best.. Chao!
Jennifer Candelaria
Posted by: Jen on August 20, 2004 09:02 PM
HI I'm not gonna say i love u cos i don't actually no u but i do think ur really fit
but i do wanna say i really admire you for becomeing a football even thought you don't comem a well off family it just made me see you
can do anything you want and money isn't
everything cos i don't come a well off family.and i no wot it like not to have every thing your friends have.any way i wish you all the luck and happyness in the world loads of love chantell
Posted by: chantell on August 21, 2004 11:23 AM
hi christiano
i love u soooo much. i watched all yr games, have all ur pictures!! YR SOOOOOO hot. im 16. i would do anything if u wrote to me!!!!!! my brother loves u. he tells me everyday how one day he will become u!!!!!!!!! i live in croatia. one day i hope to meet u!!!!!!!!!
love you.
p.s. dont forget ur the HOTTEST
Posted by: Ivana on August 22, 2004 03:56 PM
Posted by: Lila on August 24, 2004 03:47 AM
This is meron from Ethiopia again ,last month I wrote to you ,as I told that I am Your big fan , I want to know you more so,that I want you to give me your email or mail addrss of yours.I realy ,realy want to know you & to talk to you about many things.last time I saw you in athens Olimpic and I am really sorry about your result. To tell you more about me ,I am a 17 years old &Iam gonna be a college student next year.lastlly pleas send to me your private email ormail addrsses.I hope you will gonna send to me Goodbye for now.
Posted by: Meron Debebe on August 24, 2004 06:39 AM
Hey,this is meron(mery)from Ethiopia . Do you Know that I love you more than you ever imagine.I want to ask you again please give me your private email or mail addrsse.There is so many things I want to tell you about my country Ethiopia.I Know that you have been in athens Olimpic and I hope you Know the athelet Haile Gebresilassie so that Iam from this fantastic men country.
Posted by: Meron Debebe on August 24, 2004 06:51 AM
CRISTIANO RONALDO, I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYBODY IN THIS WORLD!!!!!! I'M FROM PORTUGAL TOO!!! AMO- TE MUITO!!!!! TU ES MUITO SEXY!!!!! kiss on your sweet lips, i wish we could spend i night together...
Posted by: Ronaldos Girl on August 24, 2004 09:41 AM
Hi,Hi This is Meron from Ethiopia again .How are you ?How is your time in Manutd?I know your resault is not enough in athens Olimpic but as you know there is so many good &bad things happen in life.so,I want to tell to be petient & try hard to change the bad things to good.but, if you can not be petient you will heart yourself&the peopel who depend on you.O,God I want to talk to you more if you give me your private email or p.o.box addess.
Posted by: Meron on August 25, 2004 05:28 AM
hi cristiano i am yr biggest eva eva fan in the world all i eva go on about is u u can evan ask my m8s or n e 1 that i know i have loved u even b 4 euro2004 and i think u r lovely!!
u r such a great player and i really really admire u 4 that and i know adn understand that u dnt really have much time to answer n e of these notes but n e way if u do have time and appreciate that u dnt have alot of time can u plz plz plz plz plz plz plzplz plz jst reply u dnt have 2 send n e thing that u dnt wnt lyk personal info but i wnt u 2 reply so that i know that u have read it n e way love u lots and lots hope u read this bi bi sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and by the way im goin 2 support u hunni 2nite good luck luv ya loads xXxXxXxxXxXxxXxXxXxXX
n e 1 that loves ronaldo and has got msn add me lol [email protected] cant wait till 2nite biiii xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: SARAH ronaldo on August 25, 2004 07:18 AM
hey ronaldo ive always liked soccer but since the portugal vs england game in the euro championships ive been obsessed your a great player which is awesome and you are gorgeous which never hurts keep up the good work in manchester united!
Posted by: Anastassia on August 25, 2004 10:30 PM
hey Cristiano Ronaldo
u are my favorite and keep it that way.
when u started to play soccer, i started to have some feelings for u and now i'm in luv with u.
it would be a dream if me and u would go out.
i think u are the cutest guy in the whole planet.
luv u
Posted by: Ana on August 26, 2004 11:31 AM
bom dia senhor ronaldo,
i just like to say that i think that u are a great footballer. from what i have read about you are a true gent off the pitch. i know that u are not that keen on british girls but i just like to say that we are not all like that. this may sound really corny but i think u are totally georgous. i am not like most girls who are only interested in footy because of the sexy men i have liked football since i was about 8. anyway i just like to say u are fit and if u need a nice genuine english girl i dont live tha far from manchester.tchau.
Posted by: donna on August 27, 2004 08:13 AM
Hi ya cristiano, i would just like to say i think you are a very talented footballer and i know this might be something you hear all the time but your gorgeous!!!!I admire you for all your great skills and you are very genuine, you are also not afraid to show your emotions, which i think is soooooooo sweet!!!Well i'll keep watching you and cheering for you at matches, cuz u definately make my day!!:-)I know you get alot of emails like this but if you ever get bored and have the urge to reply my addy is [email protected] and don't forget it!!Well keep up the good work and one day i'll hope we will meet, i'll probably faint but ya no!!Love you more than words can describe love jadexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: jade on August 27, 2004 10:58 AM
Hey, Cristiano Ronaldo!!! A menina velha here..admiring de treze anos todas aquelas habilidades voc� , e o talent que voc� mostra no pitch..its como o whoa! Homem, voc� � assim que talented e voc� � o rei Stepovers sem um doubt..everyone em torno de minha �rea e na escola � louco louco louco sobre you..including mim!! A maneira que voc� jogou em 2004 euro era n�o somente 2004 euro assim impressive, mas esse inparticular..I era assim que chocado, Im somente treze e eu n�o come�am chocados isso f�cilmente!! Continue fazendo seu sonho, porque seu ir ir assim distante e os agradecimentos para fazer Manchester uniram a mais melhor equipe sempre! P.S-Forgive mim se meu aint portuguese at� o ive do risco... que aprende:-) Mantenha os amores de going..everyone dos n�meros 17 e 7 voc� em Londres!! Esperan�osamente I'll come�am encontrar-se com o um desejo de day..I! Amigo mais atrasado! x
Posted by: Jadey! on August 27, 2004 07:04 PM
hey to everyone writing all these comments to cristiano ronaldo .... but do u even think he is reading it ??? have any of u even received a message from him ??? i don't mean to hurt ur feelings or anyone else's ... i know he's a amazing football player and yea i agree with those who said he's extremely hot ....plus i think no one has the right to hate him coz they don't even know him... n by the way some of u write things that is just kinda... unbeliveable
Posted by: d on August 29, 2004 10:50 AM
is his looks all u gurls care about ??? what about his skills ???
Posted by: man utd roxs on August 30, 2004 02:19 AM
ronaldo i luv u like anything. i think ur amazin. i nearly fainted wen u tuk ur shirt off in euro 2004 that goal was ace. i luv u like anything. if u read this msg i jus wanna say. i luv u and i wanna marrry u. plz stay at man u. dont leave. i love you, i love you, i love u
Posted by: katie on August 30, 2004 10:47 AM
Hi Cristiano,
I find you're a good football player.
All the girls love you just because you're beautifull. I find only that you can play verry good football.
Big kiss from Greece
Posted by: Maria on August 31, 2004 08:41 AM
I'm a girl from Norway! I know that this will never be read by Cristiano Ronaldo.., but I just had to write! Your are soo good in football, it was bad that you did not win the Euro, but, u did a really great job! Loove portugal!
Posted by: tine on August 31, 2004 01:12 PM
ol� cristiano!!!!
I only want to say that you're the best football player in the world***********
I loved when i saw you at the disco karma some time ago....you're soooooooooooo nice!!!!!!!
good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: jennifer on August 31, 2004 03:52 PM
hi, cristiano! i�m a biggest fan of yours and i�m single.. i wish i can meet you sometime.. i think you�re a good player and a sweet, loving guy...and i think we can be together...i hope we can..bye!
p.s. can i get your e-mail so we can chat..
hugs and kisses!
Posted by: k.reyes! on September 1, 2004 01:52 PM
and didn�t you know, i�m a madeiran! from portugal... i played football before but quited because move to sweden.. but i�m gonna visit my folks soon in madeira and friends!!!
Posted by: k.reyes! on September 1, 2004 01:56 PM
Posted by: JULIET on September 2, 2004 01:22 AM
hi christiano.just want to tell you that Solskjaer have me emaila-dress,on his competition who is going in norway.might you aske him of it?please.
Posted by: hanne on September 2, 2004 03:07 AM
hi chrissy.sorry if i am bothering you, but you mean alot to me. i am wondering i you have any fan adress,like i could send you a postcard?it means a lott to me. I am from Norway,and have started to learn Portugeese.... And since you are my biggest idol,I would be ever thankfull,if you sent me an mail.
I will newer forgett you!!
Posted by: hanne on September 2, 2004 04:03 AM
Posted by: hanne on September 2, 2004 04:08 AM
I`m not giving up...please answer..
great game against blackburn,but to bad you didn`t winn..
is sir Alex starting to get to old, maybe?
or am i wrong?
proove it to me....
just have to tell you that when you started to cry, after EM, I couldent hold it back, and i started to cry to.. even that we had wisitors.
Posted by: hanne on September 2, 2004 04:14 AM
I know that you newer are going to reed this...
but this is the only way I know to get in touch with you...well gotta gooo!!!dad`s coming home soon, and I am sick..:(there is only 1 thing that can cheer me up!!! an answer!!!
Posted by: hanne on September 2, 2004 04:20 AM
I would like to say what a wonderful game you played on Aug 28 in Mancheater united. I would also like to wish you luck on the Portugal game that you are going to play on Sept 3rd. It would be great if you could answer my question when you get the time, I was wondering are you going to have surgery on your knee or anything in that manner ,if you are I wish you all the best I wish for you to have a great recovery and I hope you get well soon. I would love for you to answer me back for months I was looking for a message board so I could ask you this question thank you I hope you can answer me back when you have the time
thank you very much for taking the time to read my message. by the way my parents were born in ponta Degalda. I love you very much I hope you can reply and also you are my ro-model. well if you do get sugery I wish the best and have a good recovery
Posted by: leeanne on September 2, 2004 06:47 PM
SSorry.if you will e-mail me, you must use this adress.the other dont work.
i have written you a letter, and i will post it as soon i get enough money...
hope you are reading this, because you meen a lot to me..i am telling the trooth. please read this!!
Posted by: hanne on September 3, 2004 05:47 AM
thank you soo much,to take your tme to read my messages...Can you please answer me?
I know I am crazy.... Well..maybe not.I`m writing all theese messages, because then i hope you will notise me,and answer.. I`m not like this in the reallity...ust right now...
Are you hurted?when did that happen?were it in the EM?then I saw it.. STUPID,STUPID MAN.hurtig christiano like that!
I got allot of questions,but I wont write them,before you answer..I will just keep on sending messages here....
Posted by: hanne on September 3, 2004 05:55 AM
oh,my god.. ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?? please tell me it was a joke!!!
I`M WAITING FORE A ANSWER!! 28 years?ain`t you 19????
i`m getting wacko here!!! ANSWER ME!!!PLEASE!I`M BEGGING ONE MY KNEES!!!
Posted by: hanne on September 3, 2004 05:58 AM
I would like to say you that one thing I adore about you Cristian Ronaldo is that when you fall you will never complain and you will just get right back up! I recorded your game on Aug.28 ,and when you went down a few times you didn't complain you just got right up even though you deserve to get a free kick at times. I posted a message but I forgot to add this to mine message so I hope you read this and reply back but as I see you won't get back to me for a while because I see you have a lot of people to reply back if you do reply back to the people.
thanks for taking the time to read this messge
Posted by: leeanne on September 3, 2004 09:19 AM
Posted by: sophclo on September 3, 2004 12:24 PM
Posted by: GRAVY on September 3, 2004 12:26 PM
i think you are the best player in the world and i think your pretty cute and i should be coming to meet you next year because i want to know what the real you and not to know you as wonder boy so i will hopefully see you and talk to you next year love ya loads Tiff xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: tiffany on September 4, 2004 05:42 PM
hello. just want to know.. have anyone here got an answer from HIM SELF??i`m wondering...
YES, i know you think i am mad.... pore boy.. hope your knee get better soon.
aious baybe...:)
Posted by: hanne on September 6, 2004 08:33 AM
I just wanna say that i wanna have your babys Cristiano. I am 19 yrs of age and your biggest fans. Down here in west london specially white city and the schools round there the boys wanna be you and the girls wanna be with you. Specially me. Come down sometime if only to inspire some of the boys who really idolise you.
Posted by: Sheelan on September 6, 2004 12:48 PM
hi sweety its me again. just like to say you are playin well so far this season and you are lukin hot still. anyway if you fancy visiting a nice town not too far away from where you live give me a shout in will show u around. c u soon hopefully. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: donna on September 8, 2004 01:14 PM
hey cristiano I love you, your mine favorit
player. And Im your bigest fan I respekt the way you play and the way you are.
When I se you on tv or in a magazine It�s like my hart goes upp I feel strange.
I think yor sow hansome and sweet your lake mine dreamgay. yor everyting I girl whants and asks about. I wish I could meet you some day It�s mine graitest wish right now. I love you (=. bey!!!!!
Posted by: anita on September 8, 2004 02:19 PM
my name is diana i have loved u ever since i saw ur 1st match in manchester united today i hit a boy just because they said bad things about you can u please send me your email address when u have free time. and good luck in the future with what ever you do love u loads from fan in Englang B
Posted by: Diana on September 8, 2004 03:13 PM
hi ronaldo my E-mail [email protected] i like you good play zaidan no good
Posted by: mustafa on September 8, 2004 04:12 PM
dear ronaldo, i really like you in every way! i'm a belgium boy and would love to see you, have contact with you, or any way of understanding i'm a big fan of you. I' m not the type of boy that just talk nonsense...many things already convinced me you are a well hearted sweet guy. And please contact me [email protected] if you don't like this then please me with a shirt of you, i would love to feel you near. am i too honest? GOODBYE ARNE
Posted by: A R N E on September 8, 2004 05:55 PM
H,THIS IS Meron from Ethiopia a gain last time I ask you your email or P.O.box adderss but you Did not send to me .Why is that? please ,Please. send your adderss ther is so many things to talk with you. good bye for now to day I am in a hurry.
Posted by: Meron Debebe on September 9, 2004 07:46 AM
Hi,Hi,this is Meron from Ethiopia. I heared that you have match with totnam I guss ?It is the day we celeberate our New year(in EtHIOPIA)And I am so Happy &wish you to win them. I Know my English grammeris not right but you get the Idea right?
my first language is AMEHARIC.and I want You to come to our countery &visit as there is so many fan of manutd.I want to Know You more Iknow You are famous &may be you do not have time but please contact me &give me your email adress or email me.Can I ask you a Question did you follow the Olimpic games espetially the athletics? If you do you will know the 10,000m record holder Kenenisa Bekele (the former holder Haile Geberselasie)I am from those country.Ther is so many things to see in our country please try to visit as I am sure you gonna be happy.and pleas dont forget I am the bibest fan of you .again please send you email or p.o.box adress or email me. good bye for know.
Posted by: Meron Debebe on September 9, 2004 08:32 AM
Hey Cristiano! i know your noy going to read this but i'll put it anyway!! I just want to say that i am a very big fan and admirer of yours. i am a huge life long Manchester United fan and i currently think you are the best player in the team. I have never seen skills like yours before and your pace is incredible! I never thought United would be able to find a replacement for beckham but i truly believe you will be the best player in the world in a couple of years, (George Best thinks it, so it's gotta be true)!!! My name is Katy and i am 16. I love acting but football is my passion. I speak a bit of portugese because my boyfriend is Brazilian! Te amo beijos
Posted by: Katy on September 12, 2004 12:13 PM
amo te mt mt
Posted by: silvia on September 12, 2004 05:11 PM
ola o meu nome silvia mas gosto mais que me sakura. nao te posso dizer que te amo por nunca falei comtigo mas quero que saibas que so a tua fa n 1
o meu quarto e so fotos tuas, no meu computador tambem e sei tudo sober ti nenos onumero de telemovel gostava que me dese o teu n� ou entao telefoname o meu numero e 969414658.
ah e veijo todos os teus jogos.
Posted by: silvia on September 12, 2004 05:22 PM
Hi!!!!!!! Cristiano!!! I luv u sooo uch. U r the best football player i've eva cn!!!! U're better than all the other footi players! U don't show off and stuff like all the other players do..u're always ureself!! AND U R SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!
P.S....Another reason I like u is coz u look exactly like my boyfriend!! :)
Posted by: angi on September 13, 2004 10:30 AM
Hi Cristiano Ronaldo..i love ya soooo much. I would just like to say that i like u alot and think your such a great football player. I bought the man united magazine yesterday and i found your article very interesting. Telling us about your childhood and that you worked so hard to become what you are today, when i had finished reading what you have done i felt very proud for you. I am a very big fan of man united so i try not to miss any games that are on the television, and i see the highlights for other matches. I live in england in a small town called yarm which is near stockton on tees. I am 15 years old but i am 16 in november...i would love to hear from you...it would mean the world to me...please reply we have sooo much in common i love ya please reply.....xxxxxxxxx jen xxxxxxxxxx p.s people say i look half portugese, there say its my eyes lol
Posted by: jennifer on September 13, 2004 02:10 PM
hello..I`m not gonna stop!!!!!!!!
in my summer hollyday,I saw a boy walking on the street,with a C.Ronaldo t-shirt(portugeesian),and I didn`t think much ower it.. but then i saw his face,and he was allmost exacktly like you.. he was about 15 years i think...do you have a little brother,like that??ore someone who was in norway in the summer????
he was FUCKING GOOD LOOKING too,but I did not have courage to talk with him...(I dont talk Portugesian well)
hope you can answer me....
Posted by: hanne on September 15, 2004 01:48 PM
hi, Ronaldo how are you?I am Meron Debebe from Ethiopia.you know me right?beacause I write to you many times eventhough you did not respond.yesterday I saw your match versus LYO.It was good in the first half your team seems weak but in the second half you$your team show your ability.Beyond all of that I was so happy because the ball was given by you for both the first and the second goal ,God you are gifted $I am so praud of you.I know the champions League just started$ you begin with a good result$for the rest I wish you all the best good things for you more than any body $for your team.GoD,Iwant to talk more,it is not because I am a talkative but it is because I am your BIGEST,LARGEST fan that you ever have.Again please send to me your private email $p.o.box adress$ email me too.good bye for now.
Posted by: Meron Debebe on September 16, 2004 07:28 AM
Hi Ronnie. If you go onto this site you already know me so look on your new emails. its lucy and you have my address and i would you like you to email me as its ages since we've talked on email.
Posted by: Lucy on September 16, 2004 10:41 AM
hey Cristiano..
i saw you in the tv for the first time in my life and then i think "what are hot guy".. hehe and then i where saw the UEFA EM and it�s was the final and you where crying and then i where crying and i have never ever cry for a guy that i never had meed so it was a kind of crazy becouse i have never meed you before..im from Copenhagen (Denmark) and i have bin in Manchester for a year ago and im 19 now, and i never forget that it was so amazing i dont know why but it just was.. I just have 1 thing to say and that is you�ll be the future captain for portogal i know i just do..
good blees you.. pease & love for you to be happy.
from Jeanette Petersen in Copenhagen
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Posted by: Jeanette on September 16, 2004 12:40 PM
hello everyone. sorry to say that this site is boring me. and even if ronaldo was to visit this site, i'm sure that it would bore him too.you're all saying the same things. that you love him and