« Vote On Gay Marriage Ban Is Today | Main | Cristiano Ronaldo »
July 14, 2004

Thanks to the six Republican Senators who didn't vote for the amendment.
The Senate scuttled a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage on Wednesday, handing a defeat to President Bush yet assuring the issue renewed prominence in the fall campaign for the White House and control of Congress. Forty-eight senators voted to advance the measure — 12 short of the 60 needed — and 50 voted to block it. Defeat came at the hands of dozens of Democrats joined by six Republicans.
Bush issued a statement saying he was "deeply disappointed" with the vote, but casting it as a temporary setback. "Activist judges and local officials in some parts of the country are not letting up in their efforts to redefine marriage for the rest of America — and neither should defenders of traditional marriage flag in their efforts," he said.
Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle said there was no urgent need to amend the Constitution. "In South Dakota, we've never had a single same sex marriage and we won't have any," he said shortly before the vote. "It's prohibited by South Dakota law as it is now in 38 other states. There is no confusion. There is no ambiguity." [via AP]
06:57 PM | Comments (4) | Tags: Politics
This was never going to pass
But no doubt it will only serve to solidify Bush�s fundamentalist base that views politics not as a set of choices but as a war which must be waged between good and evil for the soul of America
Posted by: Bingo on July 15, 2004 09:57 AM
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