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July 27, 2004

Republican John Thune is trying to unseat Democratic Senator Tom Daschle in the next South Dakota election. Thune's main campain platform is that gay marriage must be stopped - it's destroying traditional values. I've always had problems with the terms "values" and "morals." What makes one person's values or morals better than the next person's?
A recent article in Newsweek featured John Thune's war against gay marriage.
Thune, 43, 6 feet 4 and tan, with the good looks of a television anchor, doesn't drink, smoke or swear. An evangelical Christian, he does not believe in evolution. Riding in a silver Tahoe past rolling fields choked with corn and soybeans on Interstate 229, he charged that gay marriage would mean "it's going to be taught in the schools as the moral equivalent" to the union between a man and a woman.On Main Avenue in Brookings, S.D., a smartly dressed woman spotted John Thune, the Republican running to unseat Sen. Tom Daschle, and charged across the street, her smile beaming and her hand outstretched. "I'm with you," 62-year-old Connie Burdick told Thune. "Something's got to be done," she said, to stop the downfall of traditional values. It's the gay-marriage issue that riles Burdick, an issue that Thune is betting will knock down the Democratic Senate leader.
Still, it's unclear how well that message will draw voters to the polls. At a coffee shop on Main, Rob Rasmussen, a bearded 50-year-old, shrugged his shoulders. "I'm much more concerned about things like health insurance," said Rasmussen, who owns a bicycle shop in town. "I worry about our troops, the economy. Gay marriage—that's way down the list."
It's time to get out and vote this year if you want to make a difference.
08:21 PM | Comments (1) | Tags: Politics
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