September 04, 2005

I must apologize for the lack of updates as of late, but I'm trying to sort out some major issues with my other blog, Pop Culture Junkies. Where to begin.
Due to the traffic that the site was receiving, I needed to switch hosting companies. So I chose a new host that I thought would be both affordable and be able to handle the traffic. I was wrong. I chose Elite hosting, and after the site was up for less than 24 hours it was suspended for using too much of the server allotment. Mind you the highest amount of traffic that the site had received was 180 page views, and 100 visitors in an hour. After trying to contact them for a few days, and them being extremely unresponsive and not helpful at all, I decided to once again switch hosting companies.
I thought the only way to avoid having this issues was to go the dedicated server route. This way I'll have my own server and can use all the bandwidth and resources that I have. The installation went great, and everything was installed in a timely manner. I chose Surpass Hosting. I truly, truly recommend them. However, I had one problem. I was unable to connect to the server from my computer. They looked into everything on their end, and finally determined that my ISP provider was blocking the IP address.
I've complained about RCN before, and I will again. For some reason, they haven't be able to unblock my access from this IP address (and can't figure out how to do so). So here I am, going on two weeks that the site has been offline, and I can't access my new server. While Surpass is trying to help on their end, it looks like I'm going to have to go back to a shared hosting plan.
So I'm hoping by end of next week, Pop Culture Junkies will live again.
12:34 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
June 01, 2005

It won't happen again. I tried to up my bandwidth over the weekend, but for some reason with the holiday, my payment wasn't processed. Grrrr.
Posting will resume tonight.
May 05, 2005

And the non-sensationalistic headline that it's referencing. Will a Juror Be Dismissed From the Jackson Trial?
You gotta love Sploid's trashiness.
04:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
February 22, 2005

I never actually announced my new photoblog, Oscillate Digitally. I'm not claiming to have that much talent or creativity at photography, why not. I've always had an interest in photography, and my boyfriend enjoys it as well. So between the two of us, these are our photos. The photoblog will force me to take many more photos than I have been doing.
I'm also trying to take advantage of my cameraphone as well. So between my digital camera, and my phone, I will try and snap away each day. The photos from the cameraphone will be sent automatically to Flickr. There's a sneak peek of them at the bottom of the main page of Osciallate Digitally.
So enjoy.
08:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
January 04, 2005

Just really busy this week with my new job. More updates later this week.
In the mean time please do what you can to help in regards tp the tsuanmi disaster.
Tsunami Enquiries / Helplines / Emergency Services
Tsunami Missing Persons
08:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
December 19, 2004

I'm having some sort of an error on the blog (406 Not Acceptable) that is preventing the right sidebar to save, and be visible. So until this is resolved, the blog may look a bit odd. Let me know if anyone else with a Movable Type blog is having the same issue.
02:04 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
November 22, 2004

You've probably stumbled upon this blog from a redirect from my former blog, This Charming Man. Regardless of how you discovered Oscillate Wildly, welcome. The timing for the new blog could not have been more perfect. My former hosting company changed name servers without warning; plus I was paying way too much more for hosting than I should have.
What's with the name for the blog? Oscillate Wildly is the name of a song by The Smiths, one of my all time favorite bands. Due to the fact that there is another gay blog with named This Charming Man (also another Smiths song - see the theme going on here), so I decided to change the name.
For a little background on me, check out my about page. If you were familiar with This Charming Man, the basic layout has remained the same. One of the changes is the news links on the left hand side. This way articles, photos and news of interest can easily be posted rather than doing a remaindered links post. I also have a group blog, Pop Culture Junkies, that focuses on all things in the Pop Culture realm.
My boyfriend and I have been trying out the various online DVD renting services (hence the Netflix lists on the left hand side). We were very disappointed in the Blockbuster service. There was pretty much a wait on all the newer films, and the mailing lag time was pathetic (supposedly the service has been upgraded, or will be, to deal with those changes). We've been extremely happy with Netflix - in selection, availability, and shipping. I'll eventually be creating a movies rating page, and will be updating the current favorites on the list page.
So, welcome to Oscillate Wildly.