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November 22, 2004

You've probably stumbled upon this blog from a redirect from my former blog, This Charming Man. Regardless of how you discovered Oscillate Wildly, welcome. The timing for the new blog could not have been more perfect. My former hosting company changed name servers without warning; plus I was paying way too much more for hosting than I should have.
What's with the name for the blog? Oscillate Wildly is the name of a song by The Smiths, one of my all time favorite bands. Due to the fact that there is another gay blog with named This Charming Man (also another Smiths song - see the theme going on here), so I decided to change the name.
For a little background on me, check out my about page. If you were familiar with This Charming Man, the basic layout has remained the same. One of the changes is the news links on the left hand side. This way articles, photos and news of interest can easily be posted rather than doing a remaindered links post. I also have a group blog, Pop Culture Junkies, that focuses on all things in the Pop Culture realm.
My boyfriend and I have been trying out the various online DVD renting services (hence the Netflix lists on the left hand side). We were very disappointed in the Blockbuster service. There was pretty much a wait on all the newer films, and the mailing lag time was pathetic (supposedly the service has been upgraded, or will be, to deal with those changes). We've been extremely happy with Netflix - in selection, availability, and shipping. I'll eventually be creating a movies rating page, and will be updating the current favorites on the list page.
So, welcome to Oscillate Wildly.
08:00 AM | Comments (3) | Posted in: Weblogs
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Congrats on the new site, Mike. Great name for it, too. Here's hoping for lots of daily writebacks.
Posted by: Dominica at November 22, 2004 07:28 PM
Hey Man. I just randomly came across your blog and found it very interesting. I look forward to reading what you have to say.
Posted by: Will at November 23, 2004 11:09 AM
And here I thought Oscillate Wildly was some sort of Oscar Wilde reference. I stumbled in here somehow, can't quite remember, and like what I see, good work!
Posted by: woneffe at December 1, 2004 09:11 PM