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June 11, 2004

Is he a cold blooded murderer or one of the most insensitive husbands on the face of the earth?
Prosecutors have no murder weapon, eye witnesses or even a cause of the pregnant woman's death, and have focused their case so far on suspicious behavior by the defendant as observed by his wife's family. Prosecutors argue that Peterson's claim that he went fishing on Christmas Eve is suspicious because, they say, his main hobby was golfing. But Peterson's defense insists he has been a lifelong fishing fanatic and the trip was not unusual.
Like Laci Peterson's sister and mother, Brent Rocha (Laci's brother) and Ron Grantski (Laci's stepfather) provided a laundry list of strange incidents seemingly uncharacteristic of a loving, concerned husband. Brent Rocha told jurors that when the rest of the family assembled on stage at a Dec. 31 community vigil for Laci Peterson, her husband was nowhere to be found. As the event got underway, Rocha said, Peterson phoned him from the audience. "He says, 'Well, if people are looking for me, I'm going to watch the vigil from down here with my friends,'" Rocha said. He also testified that Peterson refused to give media interviews, even in the frantic early days when the family believed getting the word out might bring his wife safely home.Both Grantski and Rocha said Peterson repeatedly demurred, saying, "This isn't about me, this is about finding Laci."
Rocha said his brother-in-law didn't seem too upset to speak, as his distraught mother did. He also said Peterson wasn't known to be shy in front of cameras. At Rocha's own wedding, he said, "He kind of took the microphone for like 10 minutes and gave a long speech ... and had no problem doing that."The vast majority of Sharon Rocha's (Laci's mother) testimony was spent describing strange behavior by Peterson, a 31-year-old fertilizer salesman.
Minutes after learning from him that his wife was "missing," Rocha rushed to the park where Laci Peterson walked her dog and began frantically searching for the 27-year-old woman. She testified that, when she spotted Peterson 20 to 30 feet away and shouted to him, he seemed to ignore her. "I kept calling out his name and he never did turn to acknowledge that I was calling out to him," she said. She also said that, when she tried to give him a consoling hug later that evening, he turned away from her embrace and would not meet her gaze. "He kept angling like away from me so we never had any eye contact," she said. She also said he gave one word answers when she asked questions about his movements and those of his wife.
At a Dec. 31 candlelight vigil attended by 1,200 people, Rocha said, her family and Peterson's parents stood together on a raised platform. "I remember all of us on the stage and the people were speaking, but I didn't see Scott," she said. "Do you know where the defendant was?" asked Distaso. "No, I never saw him," she said. In his opening statement, Distaso said Peterson was on the phone with his mistress, Amber Frey, until 10 minutes before the start of the vigil.
This is going to be a tough case for prosecutors to win due to the fact that there is no weapon, witness, or solid motive. Will justice prevail? Personally I believe that he's guilty. I just don't see how anyone can have such disregard for their own wife's disappearance. Even if they were having problems, there would be some true emotion there. Regardless of the outcome, it will be one of those cases that will always keep people wondering.
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