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June 14, 2004

My boyfriend and I headed up to Madison yesterday (Sunday) morning for my friend Steve Howe's wedding to Kirsti Johanson, and had just a fantastic time. Despite the fact that we both had to work today, so we drove back last night and arrived home around 1:30 am. The weather was beautiful, although we did hit a freaky patch of rain going through Janesville.
I'll be posting photos of the wedding in the next few days or so. The wedding gave me an opportunity to see friends who I haven't seen in the last 3 to 10 years or so. I was great fun to catch up with everyone from the old Madison college days. Thanks again to Steve and Kirsti for inviting us, and a special shout out to John, Tonya, Matty, Dominica, Larry, DeDe, Shelly, Phil, Jill, Dave, and Jim for making the night so much fun.
07:33 PM | Comments (2) | Posted in: Friends
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A belated shout-back. Glad to hear you both made it home safely. I think we hit that same freak rain patch on the way up to Madison! The site it beautiful - Moveable Type is DA BOMB. We checked out popculturejunkies.com as soon as we got home, but only discovered your "Charming" alias tonight. I'll be checking in frequently.
Posted by: Dominica at June 23, 2004 08:49 PM
P.S. It WAS a fun wedding, wasn't it? Great to see everyone again . . . and yes, a bummer that you and Anceert had to leave so early. Thanks for the photos!
Posted by: Dominica at June 23, 2004 09:05 PM