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May 08, 2005

My boyfriend and I go out to each once a week or so, and we like to try out new restaurants, so here is the first of my mini reviews.
If you live, or are visiting Chicago, and happen to be a wine lover; I strongly recommend The Tasting Room. The have an extensive selection of more than 100 wines, many of them from boutique producers. You can order some by flight, glass, or all by bottle. Plus they have a great appetizer menu as well. I recommend the Spanish flight (cheese, olives, meat, peppers, cranberries, breads - yum), and the Banana's Foster for dessert. I managed three glasses, a Bordeaux, a Two Red, and a Pinot Noir. All excellent (note to self: it would help in the future if I wrote the names of the wines down).
Plus upstairs, if you can get a table by the window, you will have a fantastic view of downtown Chicago, Also, the bar didn't start getting crowded until 10 p.m. which was nice.
03:17 PM | Comments (1) | Posted in: Chicago , Food & Drink
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Restaurant reviews - great idea! Can readers put in requests? I've been hearing good things about a little place called The Chicago Diner on 3411 N. Halsted, but probably won't be able to try it out until much later this summer. Have you tried it, and if so, what did you think? FYI, their website is www.veggiediner.com.
Posted by: dominica at May 8, 2005 05:46 PM