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September 11, 2005

- Obey parking regulations and other posted rules. They’re there for a reason
- Bring a towel, blanket or some equivalent. It’s common practice when nude to place something between your bare buns and any public surface you sit or lie down on.
- Ask before taking pictures. You can’t legally be stopped from taking pictures in public places, but asking permission is common courtesy. Not everyone wants to be in some stranger’s photo album. And remember: parents should always be asked before children are photographed.
- Respect people’s property. Don’t assume because you’re sharing a public beach you can “share” other people’s property.
- Respect people’s privacy. It’s not wrong to seek out new friends—but it is wrong to monopolize a person’s time when the welcome mat wasn’t out in the first place.
- Come prepared. Bring the right supplies, such as food, beverages, chairs, towels and sunscreen. Don’t expect others to share with you. Mooching is offensive.
- Speak up for standards. If a person seems unaware of proper etiquette, explain what’s expected—politely of course. If he or she doesn’t respond to polite suggestion, it’s appropriate to notify the club manager or staff, a lifeguard, a beach user group volunteer, or someone else who can help get the message across.
- Engage in overt sexual activity or exhibitionism. Nude is not lewd!
- Stare at, harass, or otherwise intimidate other beach users. Be polite and courteous, just as you’re expected to be in a clothed social setting.
- Don’t trample on or through environmentally sensitive areas. If the sign says “Keep Out,” obey it.
- Litter. Bring a trash bag and pack out what you brought in. And maybe take some extra trash with you while you’re at it.
- Violate other people’s space with loud music. If you want to listen to the radio or your favorite CD, bring headphones.
(via the naturist society)
07:31 PM | Comments (0) | Posted in: Remainders
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