September 11, 2005

- Obey parking regulations and other posted rules. They’re there for a reason
- Bring a towel, blanket or some equivalent. It’s common practice when nude to place something between your bare buns and any public surface you sit or lie down on.
- Ask before taking pictures. You can’t legally be stopped from taking pictures in public places, but asking permission is common courtesy. Not everyone wants to be in some stranger’s photo album. And remember: parents should always be asked before children are photographed.
- Respect people’s property. Don’t assume because you’re sharing a public beach you can “share” other people’s property.
- Respect people’s privacy. It’s not wrong to seek out new friends—but it is wrong to monopolize a person’s time when the welcome mat wasn’t out in the first place.
- Come prepared. Bring the right supplies, such as food, beverages, chairs, towels and sunscreen. Don’t expect others to share with you. Mooching is offensive.
- Speak up for standards. If a person seems unaware of proper etiquette, explain what’s expected—politely of course. If he or she doesn’t respond to polite suggestion, it’s appropriate to notify the club manager or staff, a lifeguard, a beach user group volunteer, or someone else who can help get the message across.
- Engage in overt sexual activity or exhibitionism. Nude is not lewd!
- Stare at, harass, or otherwise intimidate other beach users. Be polite and courteous, just as you’re expected to be in a clothed social setting.
- Don’t trample on or through environmentally sensitive areas. If the sign says “Keep Out,” obey it.
- Litter. Bring a trash bag and pack out what you brought in. And maybe take some extra trash with you while you’re at it.
- Violate other people’s space with loud music. If you want to listen to the radio or your favorite CD, bring headphones.
(via the naturist society)
07:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
April 03, 2005

Identical twin sisters in Taiwan have resorted to plastic surgery so people can tell them apart.
The 22-year-old girls say that even their family and friends could not tell which was which.
Even wearing different clothes and having different hairstyles seemed to make no difference.
Doctors gave one of the twins a new nose and chin so people could tell them apart.
The sisters proclaimed themselves happy with the result, reports the Yangcheng Evening News
[via iol]
03:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
November 25, 2004

For those vegetarians, there is always a cake turkey.
10:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
November 07, 2004

- Meet Mia, the superhero with HIV. [BBC]
- California says yes to stem cell research. Thank you California voters. []
- More Apple Tiger screenshots. [AppleInsider]
- The amazing Post It prank. That took a lot of patience. []
- Morrissey vs. Clay Aiken: Who’s Rock’s Greatest Celibate? Ah, Morrissey. [Metro Times Detroit]
- Inside The Simpson's house. [Screenhead]
- The Bush Shoot-Out - featuring George Bush and Condoleeza Rice. []
05:44 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
October 15, 2004

- Thats spunky Mary Cheney. [low culture]
- The first ever "gay IPO." [Boing Boing]
- Spain unveils gay marriage law. [Reuters]
- Who knew that there was a gay accent? [Boing Boing]
- The Presidential debate gay gay gay controversy. [low culture]
- Pink TV, a gay TV channel launches in France. [CBS News]
04:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
September 27, 2004

- I'm the only gay man in the village. Just hilarious. []
- If you think cats are cute, you'll love this one. [The Suck My Blog]
- Mickey Mouse is a menace. [WOW]
- Britney Spears is what's wrong with America. [low culture]
- The 50 weirdest Guiness World Records. [Mirror]
- iPod cases from $55 to $265. [CITY Magazine]
- Feeling revengeful? Bumper stickers to put on other people's cars. [Sticker Revenge]
- The official God FAQ. [400 monkeys]
- Gay? Text Message 429. [Oh la la Paris]
- Toddler stuck in toilet seat. Only in New York City. [Gothamist]
03:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
September 02, 2004

The Gays
- Gay reporter kept from interviewing the Hamm brothers. [Outsports]
- American arrested in Afghanistan on suspicion of being gay. [Advocate]
- Candidate bares chest for gay voters. [Southern Voice Online]
- All male Madonna tribute group. [Mandonna]
The Non-Gays
- A janitor threw out a bag of trash that was art. [Reuters]
- The Facts of Life's Blair hot sauces kids. [ABC News]
- Insane Reagan
- Suggestive candy wrappers. [WOW]
- What Google knows about you. Kind of scary if you think about it. [HubLog]
- What about a Google browser. [kottke]
- Tricks of the trade - occupational secrets. [The Morning News]
- Meet Mr. Craiglist. [Wired]
08:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
August 23, 2004

The Political
George W. Bush's CIA director nominee Porter Goss said, "I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified," [CNN]
The Washington Post obsesses over Jessica Cutler. [WP]
Golan Cipel's woman friend. []
Woman gets "manhole cover tatoo" after accidentally falling onto a red-hot Con Edison manhole cover. [NYP]
Are the Bush twins going to a gay wedding? Most likely not. [NYDN]
10 tips for effective missionary dating. [Date To Save via Andymatic]
What was going on in Scott Peterson's head while Amber Fry was testifying? Humor. [NYP]
06:50 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
August 14, 2004

Michael Phelps gives shaving tips. For the body. [via 601am]
A restaurant inspectors nightmare. [Banterist]
Did Google illegally issue shares? [Reuters]
Scary cat photos. More like ugly cat photos. [Metafiler]
Al Queda has developed a gay bomb. This is too funny for words. [Weekly World News via A Socialite's Life]
480-pound woman dies after six years on couch. Please, no couch potato jokes. [WFTV]
The Political
Stylize George Bush. I like the comb-over look myself. [Build a Better Bush]
Man faked his own beheading video. It was a stunt that the media fell for. Okay? [AP and TVNewser]
04:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
August 04, 2004

The Not So Humorous
Missouri voters ban same-sex marriage. One more reason not to visit Missouri. [LAT]
Photos of the new and spectacular Millennium Park in Chicago. [Gapers Block]
The Illinois GOP has narrowed down all their potential candidates to two African-Americans! [Chicagoist]
Mac is offering email aliases. [Cult of Mac]
The Humorous
Will Farrell channels George Bush. [White House West]
John Waters' new Film A Dirty Shame sounds hilarious. Plus John Waters has a an exhibition. [via planetdan]
Strip club makes commitment to hire more minorities. [The Onion]
09:36 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
July 29, 2004

Ann Coulter: The Bitch Who Cried Liberal. [madlife]
Some great gay marriage satire. [fafblog]
Apparently the LA Times will run ads for just about anything. []
James Baldwin stamp bio fails to mention the author was gay. [PR Newswire]
The New Yorker profile of Barrack Obama. [New Yorker]
Something is wrong when sex toys are banned, but guns are okay. That's Alabama for you. [boingboing]
Gays, lesbians, and transgendered folk welcome Mama T with open arms. [TimesDispatch]
Twin Peaks' Bob still has the power to turn flight around. [low culture]
08:06 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
July 27, 2004

Get free breast implants by joining the Army. Wow. [Reuters]
Buy diarrhea online. [J-Walk Blog[
Flick, don't swat mosquitoes. Good to know. [BoingBoing]
A Wonder Woman gallery. One can never get too much Wonder Woman. [Retrocrush via Uffish Thoughts]
Google circa 1960. []
Football player Ricky Williams retirement sparks gay speculation. [outsports]
Google sets IPO range. Anywhere from $108 to $135 a share. [MacCentral]
What's new in Movable Type 3.1.
08:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
July 24, 2004

The Humorous
Courtney Love freaked out t-shirt. [Banterist]
Eric Douglas was gay. That puts a whole new spin on Michael's Will & Grace appearance. [NY Post]
US army food . . . just add urine. [BBC]
Miss Georgia Sex Offenders. This is just plain sick. [porkdisco via J-Walk Blog]
Send the Bush twins to Iraq. Fabulous. [Anonymous Outsider]
Gold Coast stockbroker suing Chanel. Oh, please. [Chicagoist]
The Not So Humorous
Anal raping children in front of mothers. [Empty Bottle]
FOX News is biased. [Wonkette]
Mac software updates too infrequent. [iBartz]
Blacklist wins Six Apart plug-in contest. Contgrats to Jay! [Jay Allen]
03:20 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
July 16, 2004

30 Bloggers at Democratic Convention, and 20 Bloggers at Republican Convention. [NewsMax]
Coalition: Vast Majority of Iraqis Still Alive [The Onion]
Matt Drudge, a gay who backs the gay bashers. [BuzzFlash]
Michael Moore's fact backup for Fahrenheit 9/11. [Michael Moore]
Mena Trott steps down as CEO of Six Apart [Six Apart]
A female escort blog. [Escortland]
Apple has record earnings and confirms G5 iMac. [MacCentral]
Man's pool disappears. [News24]
Ethnic stud name generator. I'm Manuel Atractivo. [Rum and Monkey via Andymatic]
George W. Bush and John Kerry are 16th cousins. [planetdan]
Tumbleweeds for sale. I've always wanted one. [J-Walk Blog]
01:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
July 10, 2004

- Will Bin Laden be caught anytime soon? []
- Friendster is hacker friendly. [kottke]
- Rock, Paper, Saddam [rockpapersaddam]
- Yoko Ono re-records song for gay weddings. [CBS]
- How popular is Gawker. Not as popular as they'd like you to believe. [felixsalmon]
- Attack of the female drivers. [thighs wide shut]
- Say hello to blogger burnout. [Wired]
- I gave my cat an enema. Oh no. [catenema]
- What is the most valuable weblog? [David Galbraith]
04:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
July 02, 2004

- New iMacs are coming in September [macrumors]
- Rufus Wainwright to Release Digital EP [NME]
- Angelina Jolie's sells her NYC pad [Curbed]
- Kottke redesigns his website [kottke]
- The differences between Dashboard and Konfabulator - great post [Daring Fireball]
- Sean Penn's wife has never had any gay friends - odd [towleroad]
- Associated Press will blog from Presidential Conventions [AP]
10:50 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
June 23, 2004

- Is there going to be a totally redesigned iMac? [Apple Insider]
- Yoko Ono loves the gays [Arjanwrites]
- The straights are wanting quiet in Boystown [Andymatic]
- Airing now on the USA Network: The Terminal starring Yes, Dear's Anthony Clark and Kyra Sedgwick [lowculture]
- Chicago's becoming a fashion hot spot [NYT]
07:15 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
June 20, 2004

- Is Choire Sicha leaving Gawker? [Jossip]
- Ron Mwangaguhunga's take on Choire Schica's obscured squirrel [The Corsair]
- Rebel Prince Enjoyed the Madonna Concert [Rebel Prince]
- Who Wants To Marry My Dad: The return of America's most romantic show [Words For My Enjoyment]
- Just say no to mandals [Angst-ident Prone]
- The Spacewaitress has landed
- The cookie diet [Josh Blogs]