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December 01, 2004

Jon picked up a $100,000 IMG modeling contract and was named "America's most gorgeous male model." I was actually kiind of surprised by this. While Jon has that exotic hotness about him, I thought that Rob wanted the whole thing much more than Jon did. Rob also seemed quite a bit more versatile in his shoots than Jon did.
What was up with the half-assed ass blurring (pun intended). There were times when they showed the full moon, and other times where it was blurred. Very strange. I must say they both had nice butts though. Jon didn't want to have his "junk" all over the internet. He'll only have his ass.
Read Toweroad's exclusive interview with my favorite loser, Rob.
Check out the other photos from the last photo shoot by Jon and Rob after the jump.
[photos via Bravo]
09:54 AM | Comments (1) | Posted in: Reality TV
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Ok, so I agree with you about being somewhat floored when Jon won instead of Rob for the same "Rob wanted it more" reasons, but I must admit I was quite elated when Jon won. If only for the simple fact that he's made the past month or so pretty exciting as far as daydreams and eye candy on my screensaver is concerned, lol. Besides, IMG offered Rob a contract too, which definitely made me feel better.
Just one question.... How long til season 2, LOL!
Posted by: Will at December 1, 2004 10:10 AM