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November 10, 2004

This is getting pretty creepy. Is there a serial killer out there?
Police probing the murder of a gay Chicago man say there are a number of similarities between the killing and those of at least two other gay men. But, they are not ready to say the killings were done by the same person.The body of Charles Gibson, 54, was found in his North Side condominium on October 31 after a friend became concerned when he was unable to reach him. Gibson was found lying naked in a back hallway. The apartment was covered in blood and there were signs of a struggle. A seven-inch knife recovered at the scene.
Gibson, a special education teacher, had frequented Little Jim's, the same North Side gay bar where two other murder victims were last seen alive. In April the body of 31-year-old Kevin Clewer was found in his North Side home. Clewer had been stabbed more than 30 times. Brad Winters, 38, was killed August 17, 2003. He also had been beaten and stabbed repeatedly. [via Rainbow Network]
What kills me, is that if these were three white women killed, the media would be all over this.
05:37 PM | Comments (0) | Posted in: Chicago , News
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