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September 02, 2004
This is seriously fucked up.
Outsports.com is being sued by a North Carolina man who said the website defamed him by running his picture in a photo gallery from the 2004 Los Angeles Marathon. Outsports is contesting the suit.On March 7, Harbinson was photographed stretching prior to the start of the Marathon by Outsports photographer Brent Mullins, who was credentialed to shoot the event. On March 22, Outsports ran Harbinson’s photo as part of a gallery of 150 images from the event, but did not use his name.
In his suit, Harbinson claims he is not gay and that his picture on Outsports caused him to suffer “extreme embarrassment, public humiliation, mental agony and damage to his name and reputation.” [Outsports]
Choire Sicha weigh in:
And, since he's now a figure in the news, due to his defamation lawsuit against gay sports website Outsports solely for printing his picture, he's given up an expectation of privacy. Which means the standard by which speech about him could be proven to be libelous is much less stringent. Basically I could call him a dumbass homophobic jackaninny and it wouldn't be actionable.
My thoughts. Fuck him. Not literally of course, because he's NOT GAY! Fuck him because he's an idiot. His photo is in a gallery of 150 photos of rather good looking men. He should be flattered for being deemed hot.
08:08 PM | Comments (2) | Posted in: Sports
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What would it matter if someone thought he was gay? Has he no sense-of-humor. Make the best of it and laugh but don't sue. What a waste of our legal system. Reminds me of the quote, "Thou doth protest so loudly." As in, maybe he, Chris, is insecure in his sexuality. Therapy could help Chris Harbinson.
The last time I heard someone protest so loudly that they aren't gay, besides the current protest of TBN ministries Paul Crouch, was an interview with John Wayne Gacey. He seemed overly concerned, after having sex with and killing 33 young men, that someone would think he's gay. Please, get real. What does it matter if one is gay?
Posted by: Vince at September 24, 2004 05:12 PM
And another thing. Over 50,000 have been recently killed in Sudan. Over 1,000 U.S. citizens/people have been killed in Iraq- thanks to George Bush. Does it really matter what your neighbors think? If someone doesn't know you well enough to know your truth then why care what anyone else thinks. I'll bet the families of these dead people don't care. It really doesn't matter.
Thanks again.
Posted by: Vince at September 24, 2004 05:16 PM