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November 23, 2004

I'm Finally Buying a New Computer


I'm finally getting a new computer. Wednesday night I will be purchasing a new 20-inch G5 iMac. I'll be purchasing IGB of memory as well. You don't know how excited I am. I've had my G3 iMac for about five years now, and it's begun to slow down. There have also many more instances of the twirling colored ball as of late. I do more and more things that require the number of programs to be run at one time, and the processor just can't handle it. I'm looking forward to having larger screen space as well. This will be especially nice when I have numerous programs open, and doing the old drag and drop.

I'll be spending the Friday after Thanksgiving, dedicated to setting up the new computer and transferring all the files and programs from the old computer to the new one. From what I've read in the discussion boards this shouldn't take long.

I'm so excited! I just can't hide it.

09:18 AM | Comments (1) | Posted in: Macintosh/Apple

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good choice! cheers!

Posted by: ting at November 24, 2004 07:05 AM

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