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May 07, 2006

Atesh Salih is that rare breed of male models who abhors compromises but remains approacheable and friendly. Extremely protective of his privacy, Atesh remains a mystery even to his most ardent admirers...

Atesh Salih lives the good life! [Model Watch]
05:33 PM | Comments (8) | Tags: Atsesh Salih , Models
Atesh is gorgeous! I have to admit, I am rather curious about what he does when he's not modelling.. I've never heard anything about him outside of modelling. A real shame!
Posted by: Erinn on May 21, 2006 03:51 AM
Hiya! i have to be really honest but Atesh is really hot! Sorry for having to be so honest.
Posted by: Natasha Percy on June 1, 2006 11:59 AM
Hiya! i have to be really honest but Atesh is really hot! Sorry for having to be so honest.
Posted by: Natasha Percy on June 1, 2006 12:00 PM
Atesh is actor too, he have done teather and some independent movies.
I love him so much!
Posted by: Diavolo on July 8, 2006 09:50 AM
Atesh is the most good looking model i have ever seen.. by the way his n