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May 24, 2005

Mmm. He seems to have Jennifer Lopez and blow jobs on his mind. Click here for the video.
07:55 PM | Comments (1) | Tags: Humor
Well, Sheppard Smith appears to be gay, at least according to this reporter at the NY Blade http://www.nyblade.com/2005/10-28/viewpoint/editorials/out.cfm who writes "Shepard Smith, also dodges questions about his sexual orientation.
Smith once chatted me up in a New York City gay piano bar, bought me drinks, and invited me back to his place. When I declined, he asked me to dinner the next night, another invitation I politely refused.
We sat at the bar chatting and drinking martinis until 3 a.m., our conversation interrupted only when he paused to belt out the lyrics to whatever showtune was being performed.
Posted by: Paul on October 28, 2005 07:57 AM
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