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January 05, 2005

A Muslim Saudi Professor, Sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan, of the Al-Imam University says that the earthquake and tsunami were a punishment from Allah for non-marital sex, straight and gay.
"We know that at these resorts, which unfortunately exist in Islamic and other countries in south Asia, and especially at Christmas, fornication and sexual perversion of all kinds are rampant," he said. "The fact that it happened at this particular time is a sign from Allah. It happened at Christmas, when fornicators and corrupt people from all over the world come to commit fornication and sexual perversion. That's when this tragedy took place, striking them all and destroyed everything. It turned the land into wasteland, where only the cries of the ravens are heard. I say this is a great sign and punishment on which Muslims should reflect." [WorldNetDaily]
Go ahead, keep shaking your head in disbelief.
[via Queer Day]
08:13 PM | Comments (2) | Tags: Quotes
And then there's Michael Savage's oh-so-compassionate explanation for why we shouldn't be sending a single nickel to help tsunami victims: http://mediamatters.org/items/200501050006
Posted by: Dominica on January 6, 2005 07:09 PM
tsunami caused
Posted by: karthik on January 25, 2005 02:47 AM
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