March 06, 2005

I stumbled upon old photos that had been taken from my 37th birthday celebration. See them all at Oscillate Digitally.
01:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
June 19, 2004

Over the next month or so, I'll be posting many more photos. For now, here are the photos from the wedding I went to last weekend in Madison. It was such a fun wedding. I wish that we didn't have to come back to Chicago that night.
For some reason the photos of the happy couple, Steve and Kirsti, didn't turn out that great. The lighting was very off. The good news is, the other photos turned out great. Check out the photos.
05:35 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
June 17, 2004

My boyfriend had his friend Pedro, and Pedro’s mother and niece, over for dinner last night. Pedro and his family are Columbian, and his mother and niece do not speak English.
The dinner was wonderful. My boyfriend made quesadilla’s as an appetizer, and enchilada’s with a green tomatillo salsa that was fantastic. While the majority of the conversation was in Spanish, which I don’t speak (I know some words and phrases, but I’m far from fluent), Pedro translated whenever I wanted to converse with his mother and niece. They were very sweet people, and appreciative of us having them over for dinner.
One thing that always amazes me is how universal a number of hand gestures are. For instance, I have a very large cat (Elvis – he was named before he became the latter year Elvis), and when Pedro’s mother saw the cat she looked at the cat, then at me and spread her hand wide apart as to say, “what a huge cat.” It’s kind of refreshing that you can communicate without words, or language barriers, and have a laugh.
06:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
June 14, 2004

My boyfriend and I headed up to Madison yesterday (Sunday) morning for my friend Steve Howe's wedding to Kirsti Johanson, and had just a fantastic time. Despite the fact that we both had to work today, so we drove back last night and arrived home around 1:30 am. The weather was beautiful, although we did hit a freaky patch of rain going through Janesville.
I'll be posting photos of the wedding in the next few days or so. The wedding gave me an opportunity to see friends who I haven't seen in the last 3 to 10 years or so. I was great fun to catch up with everyone from the old Madison college days. Thanks again to Steve and Kirsti for inviting us, and a special shout out to John, Tonya, Matty, Dominica, Larry, DeDe, Shelly, Phil, Jill, Dave, and Jim for making the night so much fun.